Raspberry Pi 1 Model B
Logitech Z120 speakers
Airplay via shairplay
NAS file server

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
HifiBerry DAC+
3D printed case
Cambridge Audio Topaz AM10
Magnat Symbol Pro 160

Raspberry Pi 2 / HifiBerry AMP+
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
HifiBerry AMP+
There is no 3d model of hifiberry amp+ so i've created one using rhinoceros3d and make 3d printed case

I've designed 70s style frame in Rhinoceros and 3D print it
retro-gaming console using RetroPie
Touch Display
Logitech K400

Raspberry Pi - headless DLNA / file server
+ USB external Harddisk
müzik arşivime
MPD ile dahili olarak çalmak
DLNA ile uzakdan farklı cihazlar ile ulaşabilmek
SAMBA ile dosya sunucusu/yedekleme
Raspberry Pi Model B
Raspbian debian GNU/Linux
miniDLNA DLNA server
gmrender-resurrect DLNA renderer
Sunucu | Alıcı | Kontrol |
iTunes @ mac os x | Airplayer @ Andoid | Retune @ Android |
shairport @ raspberry pi | Retune @ Android | |
miniDLNA @ raspberry pi | Skifta @ Android | Skifta @ Android |
miniDLNA @ raspberry pi | Skifta @ Android | |
VLC @ mac os x | VLC @ mac os x | |
VLC @ windows xp | VLC @ windows xp | |
MPD @ raspberry pi | MPDroid @ Android |